Rainbow Kids Achievement Center Team Speech, helping a CHILD, one SOUND at a time

Allyson Gaebler, MS, CCC-SLP
Allyson Villareal, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech Department

Carin Stevens, BS, SLPA
Carin Stevens, BS, SLPA

Speech Department

Casey Lew, MS, CCC-SLP
Casey Lew, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech Department

Jasmine Morcos, MS, CF-SLP
Jasmine Morcos, MS, CF-SLP

Speech Department

Jessie Kraker, MA, CCC-SLP
Jessie Kraker, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech Department

Lexie Haley, BS, SLPA
Lexie Haley, BS, SLPA

Speech Department

Lori Bartczak, MS CCC-SLP
Lori Bartczak, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech Department

Mandie Prukop, MS, CCC-SLP
Mandie Prukop, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech Department


Rainbow Kids Achievement Center Team OT, HELPING children through intervention and play.

Alexa Kries OTR/L
Alexa Kennedy, OTR/L

Occupational Therapy Department

Christy Yount, OTR/L
Christi Yount, OTR/L

Occupational Therapy Department

Dina D'avilo, COTA
Dina D’avolio, COTA

Occupational Therapy Department

Emily Cobb, OTR/L
Emily Cobb, OTR/L

Occupational Therapy Department

Mackenzie Carcamo, COTA
MacKenzie Carcamo, COTA

Occupational Therapy Department

Susan DuBois, COTA
Susan DuBois, COTA

Occupational Therapy Department

Susan Gaebler, OTR/L, SWC
Susan Gaebler, OTR/L, SWC

Occupational Therapy Department


Rainbow Kids Achievement Center Team PT, uniquely leading the way in movement, strength, and endurance, STEPPING towards progress.

Brianna Luckett, PT, DPT, TMRc
Brianna Luckett, PT, DPT, TMRc

Physical Therapy Department

Shweta Chheda
Shweta Chheda, PT, MScPT

Physical Therapy Department


Rainbow Kids Achievement Center Team Teach, attending to children and family’s needs and experiences to better provide INTERVENTIONS based upon principals that improve the quality of life and provide socially significant change, helping families on the journey through behavior and learning.

Candy Valles
Candy Valles, M.S.

Behavior Therapist

Jenna Jenkins MS, BCBA
Jenna Jenkins, MS, BCBA

Educational and Behavioral Team

McKenzie Mason, MS, BCBA intern
McKenzie Mason, M.S., BCBA

Behavior Program Manager

Brooke Martinez, BA, BT
Brooke Martinez, BA, BT

Educational and Behavioral Team


Rainbow Kids Achievement Center Team Admin, strong, hardworking, smart, kind and a pleasure to be around, they are our TEAM leaders helping us all.

Don Hill, MBA
Don Hill, MBA

Chief Financial Officer and Director of Operations

Kimberly Gurrola
Kimberly Gurrola

Administrative Assistant

Nicole Guerrero
Nicole Guerrero

Office Manager

Patti Hill, M.S., M.Ed
Patti Hill, M.S., M.Ed


Susan Gaebler, OTR/L, SWC
Susan Gaebler, OTR/L, SWC

Clinical Director


Rainbow Kids Achievement Center Team Vision.

  • Patti Hill M.S., M.Ed. (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Don Hill, MBA (Chief Financial Officer)
  • Mike Conti (Board Member)
  • Ralph Fabian, MBA (Board Member)
  • Dr. Leanne Davila (Board Member)