Physical Therapy
Pediatric Physical Therapy utilizes specially designed exercises (usually in the form of play) to help children improve their physical abilities. Physical therapists evaluate and treat dysfunctions in the area of gross motor development. Physical therapists help children improve balance, strength, coordination, and locomotion skills.
Rainbow Kids’ pediatric physical therapists have specialty certifications in the following:
Total Motion Release (TMR) for treatment of the following:
- Torticollis
- Infantile Postural Asymmetry
- Plagiocephaly
Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) for treatment of the following:
- Any type of gross motor delay including Down’s Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, developmental delay, hypotonia, chromosomal abnormalities/genetic disorders, spinal cord lesions or acquired brain injury, prematurity, and orthopedic conditions.
DMI harnesses the power of neuroplasticity to make rapid, long lasting changes in a child’s brain so they can learn new skills and reach their developmental milestones.
Rainbow Kids is now offering DMI physical therapy intensives provided by a level C DMI certified therapist. Please contact Rainbow Kids at (949) 459-1658 for more information regarding DMI physical therapy intensive intervention.
The Rainbow Kid’s physical therapists provide comprehensive diagnostic and ongoing therapy services for a wide range of childhood disorders.
How can Physical Therapy help?
Physical therapy can help your child if your child shows:
- Delayed rolling
- Delayed crawling
- Poor balance
- Low tone
- Toe walks
- Flat head
- Rotational preference in head and neck (child prefers to turn head to only one side)
- Poor coordination
- Poor ball skills